8 Tips For Keeping Home Energy Costs Down This Summer
It’s that time of year again. The days are long and the summer weather is beautiful. But with all the bright and shiny fun comes the heat, which in turn, creates higher home energy costs to keep cool. The outdoor temperatures are one thing that we are helpless to reduce in the short-term, but there are some steps that everyone can take to lower the amount of energy being used during the summer. Some of the biggest savings around the house come from doing a number of small things.
Here are 8 ways to save big on home energy costs.
1. Windows
Take advantage of the cool New England air at night. Turn off your air conditioners and open the windows to cool off your home. When you wake up in the morning, close the windows and lock them for a tight seal to trap in the cool air. Close your blinds as well, as this will block unneeded sunlight which can significantly warm up a room.
2. Ceiling Fans
Ceiling fans won’t cool your home but they do circulate the air in your home making you feel cooler. This is only useful when you are home, so be sure to turn these fans off when you are not going to an area where they will affect you.
3. Vents & Filters
It is a little-known fact that if you shut your vents you actually are making your AC unit work harder to cool the rest of the house. By leaving your vents open you can save money and stress on your unit. The same goes for your filter, change it often and your system will last longer and not need to use unnecessary energy to keep your home cool.
4. Thermostat
Try to keep your thermostat in the range of 76-78 degrees Fahrenheit. This is a comfortable temperature and if used in conjunction with your ceiling fan will actually feel up to 4 degrees cooler than the set temperature.
5. Appliances
If you need to do a load of laundry, try to hold off until the evening. Also, consider not using hot water when you wash, as it is known that cold water requires less energy. If you have a dishwasher, refrain from using it during the daytime and try to hand-wash dishes when possible. All appliances consume energy when they are plugged in, even if they are not being used. Unplug any and all appliances when they are not in use.
6. Leaks
Take a lap around your home and make sure all of your weatherization is in good order. Much like leaving a window open while your air conditioner is on, cool air will escape from the tiniest leaks in window panes, doorways, etc. There’s no sense in paying more and stressing your AC to cool the outdoors.
7. Dress For the Weather
This tip doesn’t just apply to when you are in the household. Running errands or working in the yard with long sleeved shirts and thick pants will only entice you to go inside and stand in front of your AC until you’re cooled off. Wear short sleeved shirts, shorts and/or skirts whenever possible.
8. Hydrate!
Beat the heat from the inside out. Keeping those ice cube trays filled and consuming 8-10 glasses of cold water will not only keep you cool internally throughout the day but will also help you avoid potential health complications such as heat stroke. Lowering your body temperature this way will minimize the need for air conditioners or excessive fanning.
And don’t forget, staying mindful of your home energy costs isn’t the only way to save from month to month. Another great way to keep more money in your pocket year-round is through a homeowner’s insurance policy perfectly catered to your specific needs, so contact us today to find a plan that works for you!