Heat Wave Survival: Keeping House Cool in Extreme Heat

Discover essential strategies to keep your house cool during extreme heat. Learn about effective temperature management, home preparations, cooling techniques, and health safety measures to protect against heat-related illnesses and environmental impacts. Stay comfortable and safe with practical tips and preventive measures to beat the heat waves.

Power Outages and Business: How to Prepare and Minimize Impact

Power Outages and Business: How to Prepare and Minimize Impact

Power outages can spell trouble for businesses, causing disruptions to daily operations, data losses, and financial losses. As a business

Uninsured Handyman and Landscapers: Dangers You Should Know

Uninsured Handyman and Landscapers: Dangers You Should Know

Having a contractor on speed dial is necessary if you are a homeowner or an entrepreneur. A home or business

Boat insurance- Why you need it and what it covers1

Boat Insurance: Why you need it and what it covers

Insights Into Why You Should Have Boat Insurance It’s time to get your boat ready for the season. You’ve tuned

What is Commercial Umbrella Insurance?

What is Commercial Umbrella Insurance?

If you deliberately searched “what is commercial umbrella insurance?” online, you are on the right track to protecting your business.

Have a Safe and Happy Holiday Season

Have a Safe and Happy Holiday Season

With the holiday season upon us, many of us will celebrate with friends, family and loved ones. As we come

10 Tips to Prevent Slip and Falls on Your Property this Winter

10 Tips to Prevent Slip and Falls on Your Property this Winter

Attention: homeowners and business owners! Winter is coming. While the cold season also brings the warmth of spending time with

Top Six Home Insurance Claims and How to Avoid Them

Top Six Home Insurance Claims and How to Avoid Them

Homeowners insurance is your final line of protection when your home and belongings are damaged and destroyed. Sometimes, the unexpected

Why You Should Have Renters Insurance

Why You Should Have Renters Insurance

It’s hurricane season in the northeast and you’ve likely already taken precautions to keep safe during these wild times– boarding

Small Business Insurance Tips

Small Business Insurance Tips

How important are small businesses to our economy? The simple answer? Very. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, small