20 Tips for Summer Drives
It is that time of year, vacation time. Are you preparing for summer adventures across several states? Not only do you need to have a plan for your summer travels such as what to bring, where you are staying, food, entertainment, and more you need to consider your long drive ahead.
We put together 20 tips to consider as you get ready for your trip that will help you keep your eye on the road and ensure a safe, happy and memory of a lifetime trip!
- Get plenty of sleep the night before your long drive.
- Make sure your vehicle is in condition to take you on a long trip. This includes filling its gas tank and properly inflating its tires.
- Have your phone fully charged before your trip. In case of a problem, you can call emergency services right away.
- Have snacks with you to keep up your sustainability. Do not consume caffeinated drinks if you are driving, as their effects only last temporarily and get worse over time.
- Do not drink before driving. Even though you will not get erratic behavior after just one drink, it will cause you to become drowsy.
- Fasten your seatbelt to not only stay safe on the road but to also avoid a ticket from a police officer.
- Pull over every few hours and get some rest, get out of the car and stretch your legs, or stop somewhere and eat.
- If you have kids, make sure that they have something to occupy themselves with, such as novels or crossword puzzle books.
- If possible, share driving responsibilities with another person that you are driving with.
- Turn on the radio and/or listen to music to help you stay awake.
- Do not use your cell phone while driving. If you are using it as a GPS, keep it in a safe place within your reach, yet out of your line of sight.
- In cases of extreme traffic, use your GPS to find a detour that you can use to keep moving and not get stuck.
- As a backup plan, bring a traditional map with you, in case your GPS fails or is not reliable.
- Sign up for AAA or a roadside assistance program from your insurance provider.
- Conserve gas by going at the speed limit. It requires less fuel to drive slower.
- Stop at a gas station and refill your tank once you have 25 percent remaining.
- For food, avoid convenience stores and gas stations, and instead stop at a grocery or drug store, as you will get a larger and healthier selection of food.
- In case of a large storm, pull over and stop on the side of the road. Resume driving once the weather improves.
- Keep all valuables in either the trunk or glove compartment, this includes money that you may have to pay for parking or toll roads.
The key to a great trip is to plan ahead. Take your time and have fun! We would love to hear from you, do you have any special tips that you do to prepare for your vacations? Comment below.
Thanks for reading and happy travels!