What To Do When Someone Hits Your Parked Car
Wet streets are commonplace this time of year in the northeast, and there is a significant possibility that someone may end up hitting your parked car. Should you find yourself in this unfortunate situation, there are specific steps you need to follow to ensure all parties involved are treated fairly. Here’s a rundown of what to when someone hits your parked car:
Call For a Police Officer
Regardless of circumstances, any traffic collision should be investigated by a police officer. Their report creates a binding verification of what happened at the scene, and you will need a police report to file an insurance claim regardless. Ask for a copy of the report and write down the name and badge number of the officer taking the accident report call. Copying down relevant information and getting the necessary documents makes your claims process much easier later in the process.
Document Everything
Take extensive notes about the accident and log/photograph any damage to your vehicle. You also need to write down the location, time of day, and weather conditions at the time of the accident. If you have a smartphone, take pictures of the damage and the positions of the vehicles involved as well as the street or road where the accident occurred. All this information helps the insurance company and police verify exactly what happened after the fact.
Call Your Insurance Company
As soon as you are safe and have all your documentation ready, it’s time to call your car insurance company to notify them of the accident. Give them all the relevant details you collected, and then take good notes when they explain where the claims process will go from the accident reporting phase. Additionally, if you or the other driver left a note with contact information, be sure to share that information with your insurer. If they have insurance, their company may cover some damages and your deductible, too.
A Quick Note About Hit-And-Runs For Parked Cars
Let’s say your parked car gets hit by another vehicle who leaves no contact information and flees the scene. Hit-and-run accidents can be considered a felony in some states, and they are taken seriously by both law enforcement and insurance companies. Whether or not you will still be covered for damages on your insurance policy depends on the structure of your policy.
If you have both collision coverage and uninsured motorist property damage coverage, then you should be fine. Don’t have coverage for these incidents? Consider adding both if you live in a major city and don’t have off-street parking. A little extra on your policy monthly could save you significant repair costs in the future.
Keep an eye on your parked car this year, and don’t forget to check for damage when you return to your car when you park in a public lot. The sooner you spot a collision, the sooner your insurance company can help you repair your vehicle and get back on the road. Call your Northeast Metro Insurance Agent today to review your collision and property damage coverage. For a small amount each month, you can protect yourself and your car from expensive repairs.